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Why Calibrate?

Calibration concerns itself with the confidence in the measurement results that you are obtaining. Calibration assures you that your measurements are accurate within the specification limits. Remember, that this is the basis that led you to select the instrument in the first place.


In production test, you may encounter false positives, or as equally undesirable, false negatives. False positives can send inferior products to your customers, ruining your reputation for quality. False negatives end up in the reject bin, ruining yields and prompting costly rework or discards, increasing the cost of goods sold.


  • In the engineering lab, inaccurate measurements can distort your finding about the behavior of an emerging product design.

  • Is you CIELAB DE metric the same as you customer's DE? Commerce depends on globally agreed standards. Only traceable calibration can ensure adherence to these standards.

  • There may be contractual requirements stipulating a regular calibration regimen. The penalty for non-compliance could be fines, loss of business, or worse.

  • Sometimes a calibration procedure reveals an underlying problem that could evolve into a costly failure if left unattended.


Today's digital instruments are not exempt from regular calibrations.  Even though they inherently are more stable than their analog predecessors, their tolerances are much narrower than in the past. Even the latest digitizing instruments have analog circuitry - preamplifiers, buffers, etc. - whose performance can change over time. 

A regular schedule of calibrations by Color Calibration Group will keep your measurement instruments and tools in optimal condition to support your design, troubleshooting, and manufacturing workflow.

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